While all automotive components have a lifespan, some are more prone to wear and tear than others, and as such are more likely to require replacement at some point during the vehicle’s lifespan. The clutch, which fulfils such an essential duty, is constantly being used; but importantly, it’s how you use your clutch that dictates the amount of wear and tear it suffers. That’s what today’s instalment of The Clutch Company’s blog is all about – how Bristol motorists can reduce wear and tear and consequently, the frequency they’ll need to visit us for clutch repairs.
If it’s already too late and you’ve noticed a worrying symptom when applying your clutch – for example a strange noise, feel, smell or change in performance – then cut right to the chase by calling our Bristol based clutch specialists on 07974 023 677 or 01275 832 100. We can diagnose the issue then recommend the best way of proceeding: usually clutch repair or replacement, which we can deliver at distinctly competitive prices.
Don’t ride the clutch. The clutch is designed to be fully depressed or engaged, not to sit half way. Keeping the pressure pad against the clutch plate when it’s simply not necessary will lead to increased friction, resulting in wear, tear and the need for clutch repair! So stay alert and notice when you’re riding the clutch, so you can train yourself to get out of this bad but all too common habit.
Switch to neutral. When you’re waiting for traffic lights to turn at one of Bristol’s many junctions, simply switch to neutral and use the handbrake should you need to. Keeping the first gear engaged and your foot on the brake is simply strain you don’t need to put on your vehicle.
Use the handbrake when parking up. If you park your vehicle in gear you’re putting strain on the clutch despite the engine not even being on; like riding the clutch, it’s a bad habit that many Bristol motorists picked up somewhere along the way. Make the switch and reduce the chance you’ll require premature clutch repair and replacement.
Change gear quickly and decisively. The longer you change gear, and indeed the more often you change gear, the more wear and tear you subject your clutch to. By being swift with your gear changes, and only changing when necessary, you’ll be keeping your clutch in great condition.